First meeting of the series, Warsaw

Capacity building trainings on vulnerable migrants for relevant public institutions in Poland


Between July and September 2022, under the scope of the KOMPLEKS project, ICMPD organised a first series of training on gender-based violence and risk of human trafficking of unaccompanied minors.

The training aims at providing direct support to employees of the public sector – practitioners, social workers and all those who work, directly with vulnerable migrants. Improving skills and competence is particularly important in their work with migrants requiring special care, in particular victims of gender-based violence and minors.

During the training on gender-based violence (GBV), participants learned how to build their capacity to work with female asylum seekers who experienced violence and how to address its long-term effects. The workshop was tailored to the gender-based nature of this form of violence and raised awareness and understanding of the best way to support women and girls who experienced or had been exposed to different forms of violence (domestic, sexual, psychological), with a focus on providing support without victimising them.

In terms of human trafficking, unaccompanied minors (UAMs) are significantly at risk of being trafficked for labour, sexual or criminal exploitation. The training on the risk of human trafficking of UAMs was focused on identifying the specific risks and vulnerabilities of unaccompanied and separated children arriving in Poland and learning about relevant international and national legislation and agreements considering unaccompanied minors on the move.

Evaluations of participants’ feedback underscored the timeliness, relevance and high quality of the training programme. Further sessions for key actors in the Polish asylum and migration management systems are planned in the course of the project implementation.

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